
Medication Administration Policy


UME Preparatory Academy

Medication Administration Policy


Legal Requirements:

1. Texas law permits a public school to administer medication prescribed by a physician/licensed prescriber to a child on behalf of the parent or legal guardian under certain limited circumstances with an appropriate written authorization. The only medication that may be given at school is that which is necessary to enable the student to remain in school. If possible, all medication should be given outside of school hours.


2. Student information on any document that contains or requests "protected health information" within the meaning of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 ("HIPAA") is considered confidential and may not be shared outside of personnel designated by administration as "need-to-know". Federal and Texas law and school policy prohibit, and require utilization of appropriate safeguards against, wrongful use, access or disclosure of protected health information, other than as allowed by applicable Federal and state law and school policy. Wrongful access, use, or disclosure of this information may expose violators to civil and criminal liability under Federal and/or State law, discipline by the school, or both.


Conditions for School Administration:

1. A Licensed Prescriber and Parent/Legal Guardian must complete the Medication Administration Form for all all prescription medications before it can be given at school.

2. Over-the-counter (OTC) medication can be given with only Parent/Legal Guardian completion of the Medication Administration Form but it can only be given according to label instructions. Any variances will require your Physician/Licensed Medical Provider to complete their portion of the form.

3. Medications must be in original, properly labeled containers. The pharmacy can supply two labeled bottles for this purpose. Medications sent in baggies or unlabeled containers will not be accepted or given.

4. All medications must be kept in the school’s office in a locked cabinet except for students whose licensed prescriber has submitted a Self-Administration by Student authorization that complies with Texas law.

5. Medications may be given by a staff member designated by administration and trained by a licensed medical professional.

6. Medications must be delivered to and picked up from school by a Parent/Legal Guardian or an adult authorized by them. This includes refills and any leftover medication that needs to be returned home.

7. Herbal medications, dietary supplements and other nutritional aids not approved as medication by the FDA may not be administered at school.

8. School personnel will not give any medicine, including Tylenol/Ibuprofen, unless it is provided by you, in the appropriate manner as stated above.


Administration Procedures:

1. Administration will delegate medication administration responsibility to staff members as needed.


2. Administration will ensure staffing availability to meet medication administration needs during school hours.


3. A licensed medical professional will train each staff member on medication administration using an approved check off form and will be available to consult with personnel throughout the school year as needed.


4. The staff member receiving the medication from the parent will complete the Dosing Log with the parent before accepting the medication. A log is needed for each medication to be given.


5. Each time a medication is given it will be recorded on the dosing log by the staff member giving the medication.


6. When medication supply is running low, staff member will contact parent for refill.


7. Students taking prescribed medication during school hours are responsible for going to the nurses office to receive their medication as instructed by the prescribing doctor. School personnel is not responsible for calling the student to take their medication, and will not be held responsible for any missed doses during school hours.


Changes to Policy and Refusals:

1. The school reserves the right to refuse medication administration if the above conditions have not been met.


2. The school may make changes to the policy and any related documents at any time in order to comply with Federal and Texas law and/or to better meet the needs and safety of the students as is deemed necessary.


Related Documents and Purpose:


1. Medication Administration Form: This form is to be completed by the Parent/Legal Guardian and/or Physician/Licensed Medical Prescriber to authorize the school to administer medication, instruct on how and when to give the medication, and to agree to school policy and state law regarding medication administration in the public school setting. It includes the school policy as well as state and federal regulations. A student may not be administered any medication unless this form is completed for each medication to be given during school hours by school personnel.

2. Medication Administration Information (letter to parents): This letter provides information to the parent on what is required before a student may be given medication at school.

3. Medication Administration Check-off Form: This form will be used to train unlicensed staff members as delegated by administration to give medication in accordance with medical and legal guidelines. This form must be kept in the staff member’s personnel file and updated annually.

4. Medication Administration reference sheet: This document will be provided to all trained personnel to reference proper medication administration as needed.


5. Medication Administration Dosing Log: This document will be completed by staff and parents to track the quantity and type of incoming medication and be filled out each time a dose is given during school hours. This document will be kept in a confidential location near the medication. At the end of the administration duration or end of school year, whichever comes first, the log will be kept in the student file. A new log must be created each time there is a new medication, dosage, time change, or new school year.



Illness and Injury Policy


UME Preparatory Academy

Communicable Disease, Injury, and Illness Policy





1. Communicable disease – an illness that can be transmitted from one person to another.
2. Illness – a change or decline in well-being that inhibits performance of daily activities.

3. Injury – sustained physical damage that inhibits performance of daily activities.


Symptoms Warranting Dismissal From School

1. Communicable disease and illness

a. Fever – a temperature of 100* or greater while at school or within 24 hours of school day.


b. Vomit – student has episode(s) of vomit while at school or within 24 hours of the school day.


c. Diarrhea – student experiences two episodes of diarrhea during school hours, is unable to control bowel movements, is experiencing recurring diarrhea within 24 hours of the school day.


d. Eye discoloration – student with discoloration to eyes will be

evaluated for suspected conjunctivitis.


e. Undiagnosed skin rash – student has suspicious rash on skin that is potentially contagious.


f. Suspected bacterial meningitis – student experiencing a stiff neck along with any of the following symptoms: headache, vomit, nausea, fever, sensitive to light, confusion.


g. Any other symptoms administration deems as potentially infectious and/or harmful to the student in question without obtaining appropriate care.


2. Injury

a. Obtained off school campus that has been untreated and is deemed a risk to student safety and well-being.


b. Obtained on school campus that is a risk to student safety and well-being if appropriate care is not received in a timely manner.


Criteria for Readmission to School

1. Communicable disease and illness

a. Fever, vomit, diarrhea – symptom free for 24 hours without the use of medication to alleviate symptoms.


b. Eye discoloration, undiagnosed rashes, suspected bacterial meningitis – physician evaluation and written approval to return to school.


c. Administration reserves the right to request written approval from a physician to readmit student to campus when deemed in the best interests of student and campus safety.


2. Injury

a. Student recovery enables them to perform daily student activities without impairment or risk to their safety and well-being.


b. Student accommodations and activity restrictions – if the nature of the injury requires accommodations and/ or restrictions from daily campus activities a written approval from the treating physician must be provided to the school and include the following:


  • Nature of impairment
  • Specific signs or symptoms of complications to impairment
  • Accommodations and/ or restrictions (example: no PE, student escort, extra time between classes)
  • Duration of accommodations and/ or restrictions
  • Termination of accommodations and/ or restrictions – by physician order or at end of duration

Procedures for Dismissal From School

1. Student will be evaluated by school nurse and/ or staff. Evaluating staff member will call parents from school phone if dismissal required. No calls will be made directly by student or from their personal phones.


2. If student requires dismissal they will remain in the office under supervision until parent or approved transportation arrives.


Changes to Policy and Administrative Decisions

1. The school may make changes to the policy, procedures, and any related documents at any time in order to comply with Federal and Texas law and/or to better meet the needs and safety of the students as is deemed necessary.


2. The school administration reserves the right to dismiss students for any illness and injury not mentioned above if student safety and well-being is at risk while remaining on campus.